Quote of the Week

"What would you attempt to do if you KNEW you couldn't fail?"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fish And Chips Mate

I had Fish And Chips for dinner. LOL.

Hey Guys

I just realized I haven't posted in a really long time, so i'll catch up really soon, but right now, i guess i'm just going to write a bunch of crap, so WARNING: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THIS.
So my brother was watching Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which is like PG-13 because all movies that are either A) have really hot guys like Shia LaBouf B)any movies that are decent that have come out in theatres or C) movies people want to be decent so they just slap a few interesting words and a PG-13 tag on them.
But anyway, now that he's seen this and X-Men Origins: Wolverine(which he only saw because it said X-Men on it and he didn't even understand the plot and couldn't take the violence so my mom had to shield him and i got to cover his ears(enter the 'interesting words'))but anyway now he thinks hes allowed to watch all of these PG-13 movies so if you ask him if he's allowed to watch PG-13 he'll say yeah, duh, who isn't? Like he's been watching them for his whole life.
And it's not that i didn't watch PG-13 when i was 10, because i did. but he's not ten. he's a seven year old stuck in a ten year old's body. No joke.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Team Glitter!
For those of you who know me as Glitter, here's a shock:
I'm going to be in a band with my friends Gemma Spicka and Michele Fong(who for some unknown reason has decided to call me Fashion Diva Girl). I want to call the band 911 Turb0, Michele agrees, and tomorrow we will know for sure, so excuse me if it changes. But for now check out my partner website, Team Glitter, my personal website for when I'm famous. Keep in touch for when a 911 Turb0 page goes up.


Saturday, July 31, 2010


SO I'm in a band now, I'm the lead singer and a few of my other friends are in it too.
Keep in touch with us, I'll post things on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and here, so keep your eyes open wide and on the look out. Ok, stupid metaphore, I know.
Vote o my pole for a cool name! I wanted 911 Turbo. Keep in mind it's a rock/pop/electronica whe you vote.

Friday, July 30, 2010


It's the #1 album in Washington D.C.! Congrats, Eminem!